Oh, the irony in this, Mr. Barry. You are the son of a single mother, you have CHILDREN, yet feel comfortable shafting single mothers and their children in your location in CHICAGO with its filthy, destructive rat population? My child lost clothes, dolls, HER BED due to your negligence, and I as a single mother not only struggle with this financially but emotionally and have to cope with MY DAUGHTER'S GRIEF AS WELL. But you got a TAX BREAK and managed to get good PR in a hypocritical, sanctimonious way. Meanwhile, how many AG dolls do your girls have? As for Msr. Jodoin, just what kind of person ARE YOU?
Landlords go above & beyond
By Janelle Walker
For The Courier-News
October 16, 2010 10:42PM
Updated: September 24, 2012 6:25AM
ELGIN — When Two Rivers Head Start went looking for
a location for its new infant and toddler center, the site at 418
Airport Road seemed perfect.
The organization not only found a spot that had
the space and accessibility for its families at River Ridge Head Start,
but landlords went above and beyond to ensure the center would be
finished, executive director Diane Lacey said.
+Chris Barry and +Jean Jodoin, partners at +LifeStorage who own the former
Kmart location in far-north Elgin, not only helped work through zoning
issues with the city but also donated $100,000 to finish construction on
the center.
Barry and Jodoin also gave $10,000 toward the opening dinner and deejay event, held Thursday night.
“They are not too bad for landlords,” Lacey said as she presented them with a plaque thanking them for their service.
“We are grateful for this opportunity to provide this for families and for people in need,” Barry said.
Two Rivers serves families and their children at 13
locations in five counties, from Belvidere to Morris, Lacey said. The
River Ridge location, which opened just a month ago, will offer services
to 80 children ages 6 weeks through 3; it provides four infant
classrooms, six toddler classrooms, and 24 with home-based services.
There are openings at the center for additional
children, Lacey said. Parents must work a minimum of 30 hours a week or
go to school full-time to enroll their children in the program. Parents
pay on a sliding fee scale for the services.
A Community Development Block Grant office is
there to help families with short-term needs including medical and
dental referrals, a food pantry and help with rent, Lacey said.
The agencies applied for and received an American
Reinvestment and Recovery Act grant to pay for construction of the
center, Lacey said. However, the grant funding ran out before the agency
was able to outfit and stock its classrooms completely.
“Chris and Jean stepped forward and helped us financially,” Lacey said.
They helped not just for the tax deduction but also to give back to their community, Lacey said.
Both said they know what it is like to be considered in an at-risk family, Barry said.
“I grew up on the west side of Elgin, the son of a
single mother,” Barry said. “She had two jobs. I had to go without a lot
as a young kid.”
As the father of four young daughters, he also
knows how important it is for children to have a good education early in
life. “That is what I want for my own children,” he said.
Jodoin said he also comes from a poor family and
that often it was adults who were not part of the family who helped him
become the person he is now.
“For moms trying to earn a living for their kids, they need this,” Jodoin said.
(emphasis added)